Congratulations John

May 10th, 2017   •      •   Comments Off on Congratulations John   
Congratulations John

Congratulations to John Starkey on winning both the CIM Fellowship and CIM Distinguished Lecturer Awards at the annual CIM conference on May 1, 2017, in Montreal.

Design Tonnage From Day One

February 10th, 2015   •      •   Comments Off on Design Tonnage From Day One   
Design Tonnage From Day One

Using SAGDesign technology, Starkey & Associates has developed a proven method to achieve design tonnage at start-up in any new grinding circuit we design. Call us.

Geometallurgical Testing

February 10th, 2015   •      •   Comments Off on Geometallurgical Testing   
Geometallurgical Testing

Starkey & Associates’ SAG Variability Test was constructed based on the database results from over 900 SAGDesign tests. Variability testing is used to determine grinding throughput over the life of the mine.

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